So I guess I'll start out with yesterday. I took a little "road trip" with a few friends of mine to Logan. We are all members of a website called that helps us save money, and helps us find good deals in and around town! Love it!!! The administrators of the site held a little "party" and so we went and enjoyed fun conversation, and some yummy food! After the "party", we hit Albertson's and Smith's and used our coupons to get some fantastic deals! Here's an example of what I got:
4 bottles of Suave Lotion
3 bottles of Suave Kid's hair detangler spray
4 Suave Deoderant's
5 bottles of Suave Kid's 2-in-1 Shampoo
2 packages Cupcake Papers (marked down in the Halloween left-over stuff)
Total I paid OOP (out of pocket) $3.50...$2.00 was for tax!
6 17ct. boxes of Hefty Ziplock Gallon size Storage bags
4 18ct. boxes of Hefty Ziplock Quart size Freezer bags
Total paid $2.58, .98 of the total was tax!
I know! Exciting, huh?! If you're jealous just start "pinching your pennies" too!! One day I will put pictures on here of my storage room, and the goodies I have built up because of my addiction to coupons! Oh, and I just have to add that Mike didn't even mind that I was gone ALL day either! He even had dinner made, and everything when I got home! I think I love that man!
What else to tell...oh, Halloween! In years past, Halloween hasn't really been too exciting for any of our kids, except Jarek. But this year he had Kaylee's excitement to add to his! Of Teylor's many things she doesn't have the consept for, Halloween is one of them. She could care less! None the less, we all dressed up (even Mike did this year!!!) and Trick-or-Treated til we dropped! Alise and Jeff even came with us! So here's our pics:

Jarek wanted to be Link from the video game Zelda. All I did for his costume was buy a piece of felt that my mom made his tunic and hat out of! I also found him some boots at Savers that were PERFECT for this costume! Worked for him!

Teylor was our Cowgirl riding a chicken! I found this costume at a yard sale at the beginning of the summer for $4. Couldn't pass it up! It was perfect for her, because all she had to do was slip it on like pants, and she was good to go! She can't stand things on her face, or in her hair, (needless to say, the hat didn't last long) so this costume kept her from throwing a fit!

Kaylee was our pretty little flower! I also got her costume at a yard sale for $2! I painted a little bumblebee on her cheek, and also made her a little basket with flowers all around it that she used to put her candy in! She had a great time!

Ambree was a little kitten! Cutie, huh? Alise is holding Ambree, and she dressed up as Alise in Wonderland. The weather was perfect for us this year! It was not even cold at all!!
Here's Mike and I! Which one's the cowboy, which one's the pirate????
Anyway, that will get me caught up for now! Now back to life!
1 comment:
I love all of your costumes. You are an awesome shopper. Getting good deals is really fun.
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