On Wednesday we went to the Ogden Rescue Mission and served dinner to the homeless and less fortunate. It was a neat experience, and an eye-opener at that! It was neat to know that all the people that work there get either little or no pay, and that it is all run pretty much on volunteer work from the community. It was interesting to learn that the Mission is NOT state funded, and the reason is because they have a "rule" (can't think of a better to use right now) that if you eat there, you have to go to their little church service that is given each night before dinner. It's one of those Church and State laws. But anyway, I wasn't sure of how the night would be before we went, but it really was a good night! The people who work at the shelters, and the guests (as they call them) were so thankful that we were there. It was a good feeling!
Thursday they planned a Temple Night for just the sisters, however I was unable to go as mine and Mike's recommends are expired as of last month, so come this Tuesday, we should be able to say we're Temple worthy again! LOL!
Saturday kinda wrapped it all up. For the past month, we had all been asked to donate items to put in Humanitarian Kits, like: toothpaste, toothbrushes, bars of soap, and hand towels, and on Saturday we put the kits together to send them off to the Church were they will distribute them as needed. We also made scarfs out of fleece, and tied 3 quilts! It was a nice afternoon! So to put the whole week in perspective, as Relief Society sisters, we were able to help those in our ward, our community, our families, and essentially...the world! Pretty cool!
I also helped at Jarek's school's Book Fair throughout the week as well. It is something I have been doing since he was in Kindergarten there, and I look forward to it twice each school year! As a nice incentive, the PTA gives you $5 to spend at the Book Fair per shift you work, so Jarek pretty much has my "money" spent before I even work my first shift! It's good though...at least it's books!
I felt like it all came back around to me when on Friday I got a phone call from my Dentists' office telling me that they were going to write off the $274.06 that I owed them!! I still can't believe their generosity! What a nice early Christmas present!

We also went to Mike's Aunt's house and celebrated his

Okay, once again I am getting SUPER frustrated with how this post is laying out, so I better end for now before I delete this whole thing! Ugh!!!!! Wish me better luck next time!