You'd think that I'd have some great reason why I let this blog of mine fall so far behind. Well, I don't. I can think of a few excuses though. I won't share them, cause their not good enough, but I will say that in the last couple weeks, I moved the computer I use up from the back bedroom in the basement to the upstairs living room so I will feel like I have better access to it, and also so that I can hear my kids get into things, thus being able to stop any major catastrophe. So, how do I tackle catching you all up with all that has happened in the last 8 months?! Maybe I'll just take it from there with each post, month by month until I'm caught up. So...November...Ambree ate baby food for the first time at 4 months old. Turns out she never really cared for it, and I was bummed too cause I had gotten a TON of it for free with coupons a few months before she was born. We were sittin' pretty with our supply, but the little booger just wouldn't ever eat the stuff! Can't say I blame her, the stuff is terrible! I think her face in these pictures says it all.

Haha! Little cutie! Now here we are in July and the little stinker will be turning 1 on the 24th! Whew...where does time go??
Looks like we also went to the Zoo in November. During the winter months, admission in free, like the last Tuesday of each mo

This was too funny. Stef wanted to take a couple kids on the Merry Go Round, so she (nor I) thought the other kids would care about not being able to go on, but apparently Kaylee cared...A LOT!!! It was so funny and heartbreaking at the same time to be on with Teylor and hear and see her excitement, but as the Merry Go Round passed Kaylee, she ripped my heart out with her sad face.